The content of sesquiterpene lactones suppresses the release of prostaglandins and histamines during the inflammatory process and prevents spasms of the blood vessels of the head attacked by the sudden onset of migraine pain.
Hamazulenic and isovaleric acid, flavonoids and phytosterols have been extracted from chamomile liquid extract. This causes a soothing and antispasmodic, disinfecting and anti-inflammatory action in abdominal complaints and insomnia. Taking chamomile in the form of a cold liquid extract has a tonic effect on the digestive system. However, high doses can cause a laxative effect (vomiting). The content of sesquiterpene lactones and flavones in the product determines the antitumor effect of chamomile. Helps in cases of muscular rheumatism caused by cold and dampness.
chamomilla (Matricaria chamomilla L.) flos 60%, water 15%, ethyl alcohol 25%. Ethyl alcohol 35% (vol./vol).
Linda Krockett HEALING OUR HORMONS, HEALING OUR LIVES. АMG Publishing, Sofia 2014
Ivanka Dimitrova-Dyulgerova Pharmacognosy. Paisii Hilendarski University Publishing House, Plovdiv 2018
Rumen Mladenov●Ilia Cheshmedjiev●Ivanka Dimitrova●Deelina Belkinova●Tsenka Radukova●Plamen Stoyanov Pharmaceutical BOTANY part II. Paisii Hilendarski University Publishing House, Plovdiv 2017
Richard Mabey ●Michael McIntyre●Pamela Michael●Gail Duff●John Stevens et al. THE COMPLETE NEW HERBAL. Gaya books ltd. London, 1988
Maria Treben Diseases of the heart and cardiovascular system, EF BONCOMMERCE
Shake the bottle well, open and squeeze the dropper once. That’s 30 drops
Dissolve the recommended dose (listed on each label) in at least 30 ml of water or juice.
For best results, repeat this process as directed. The recommended use is indicated on the product label.