MARKOV’S DRINK herbal tincrure

Support metabolism and liver function. Regulates cholesterol.

35.00 BGN.50.00 BGN. with VAT

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MARKOV’s DRINK is a natural product, without side effects on the functions of other organs. MARKOV’s DRINK is a unique herbal formula that helps metabolism and liver function. Regulates cholesterol levels.

Taraxacin, a bitter substance extracted from dandelion root, stimulates bile secretion in liver and biliary diseases. Extracted tannins and mucilages stimulate bowel activity and help the liver process fat.

Flavonoids and saponins extracted from corn hair (stigmata maydis) detoxify the kidneys and liver (the body’s most toxin-laden organ). Corn cob helps stimulate the gallbladder to release more bile juice to help the liver and lower high blood pressure. The tannic, bitter, and mucilaginous substances extracted from lemon balm support the cardiovascular system by toning the blood vessels; thus, the body maintains cholesterol at healthy levels. Isoflavones extracted from red clover are structurally and functionally similar to steroid estrogens in the human body. They help prevent oxidation of “bad” cholesterol and hardening of the arteries.

The flavonoids extracted from hawthorn dilate blood vessels, improve blood supply and lower cholesterol. The intake of hawthorn tincture significantly increases the coronary flow rate, while at the same time, the utilisation of oxygen by the myocardium is improved, and cardiac activity is regulated.

MARKOV’s DRINK generally contributes to the normal concentration of cholesterol and triglycerides, the normal transfer of nutrients through the cell membrane and the normal breakdown of fats. Use before meals prevents the accumulation of fat in the liver.

As a food supplement, take 5 ml (30 drops) 2 times a day in a small liquid (water, tea, juice, etc.). The maximum recommended dose for daily intake of 10 ml contains: 10 ml tincture (1:1), meet to 10000 mg тaraxacum (radix taraxaci) root, stigmata maydis (stigmata maydis), lemon balm (Melissa officinalis) leaf, red clover (Trifolium pratense) flos.

The herbal tincture is a natural texture of fresh herbs. It does not contain chemical additives, stabilisers, added flavouring or colouring matters. The tincture is a specially selected combination of herbs with positive effects on the human body organs and systems. Active substances are extracted from very finely divided herbs by maceration and distillation in an ethyl alcohol concentration of 45% for 14 days in well-closed glass containers. Obtained products can be used for up to 24 months.

Hypersensitivity to ethanol. Do not exceed the recommended dose for daily intake! Not to use as a substitute for varied nutrition! Do not use for children under 12 years old!
Maria Treben Diseases of the heart and cardiovascular system, EF BONCOMMERCE

Art. Cor. Prof. Dr. Veselin Petkov Modern Phytotherapy, ed. “Medicine and Physical Education”, Sofia, 1982;

Dr. D. Pamukov and prof. H. Akhtardzhiev Natural Pharmacy, ed. Zemizdat, 1981;

Georgi Georgiev and Tanya Kostova Cultivation of Medicinal Crops, Zemizdat, Sofia 1982

Ivanka Dimitrova-Dyulgerova Pharmacognosy. Paisii Hilendarski University Publishing House, Plovdiv 2018

Linda Krockett HEALING OUR HORMONS, HEALING OUR LIVES. АMG Publishing, Sofia 2014

Rumen Mladenov●Ilia Cheshmedjiev●Ivanka Dimitrova●Deelina Belkinova●Tsenka Radukova●Plamen Stoyanov Pharmaceutical BOTANY part II. Paisii Hilendarski University Publishing House, Plovdiv 2017

Richard Mabey ●Michael McIntyre●Pamela Michael●Gail Duff●John Stevens et al. THE COMPLETE NEW HERBAL. Gaya books ltd. London, 1988

To be stored in the original packaging in a dry place protected from direct sunlight, at a temperature below 25º C. Keep in an out-of-reach place for children under 12 years old.
Weight 210 g
Dimensions 50 × 50 × 124 mm