Herbal tincture MEMORY AND FOCUS is a natural product, without side effects on the functions of other organs. Food supplement MEMORY AND FOCUS is a unique herbal formula for brain functions and memory. A preventive measure for mental overload. The product has a wide range of beneficial effects, favoring the health of the nervous system and reducing anxiety, increasing the body’s defenses and protecting against pathogens.
Flavonoids and saponins are extracted from the rosemary plant, which stimulate the growth of brain cells, promote their recovery, improve memory and protect against Alzheimer’s disease. Extracted from rosemary, the flavonoid diosmin reduces anxiety symptoms in people suffering from depression, reduces the risk of developing mental disorders and diseases of the nervous system by stimulating the growth and regeneration of nerve cells. It can reduce brain damage in people who have had a stroke.
Phenolic acids extracted from sage significantly increase the body’s defenses, support peripheral blood circulation and mental activity in older people. It helps to neutralize free radicals and slow down the process of cell aging. Sage has antioxidant compounds that have a strong anti-inflammatory effect, can protect the body from the development of malignant diseases, increase vitality and physical energy. Supports brain activity and neutralizes free radicals.
Rosmarinic acid extracted from lemon balm improves memory and is an effective means of stimulating cognitive function and slowing down neurodegenerative processes affecting brain cells. Lemon balm extract contains a high concentration of flavonoids, which are supposed to improve cognitive functions and retain scarce amounts in the body as we age.
In the slice extract, the antioxidants – rosmarinic acid and quercetin are extracted. They have antioxidant properties, support communication between neurons, better sleep, contribute to maintaining normal mental function and reduce the feeling of tiredness and fatigue.
In general, the food supplement MEMORY AND FOCUS favors memory and concentration. It is intended for people with an intensely stressful lifestyle. It helps increase concentration and strengthens memory during the learning process.
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Shake the bottle well, open and squeeze the dropper once. That’s 30 drops
Dissolve the recommended dose (listed on each label) in at least 30 ml of water or juice.
For best results, repeat this process as directed. The recommended use is indicated on the product label.