Hop-derived lupulone and mulon, phytoestrogen, and xanthohumol extracted from the hop plant contribute to the antibacterial action and antimicrobial properties of the product. Flavonoids extracted from hops have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that regulate enzyme activity. The extracted amount of folic acid ensures the presence of vitamins B9 and B12, which increases the number of red blood cells and helps the activity of the nervous system. The eugenol extracted from lemon balm helps with spasms by relieving accumulated gas and colic.
The phenolic acids extracted from dandelion root support the processes in the peristalsis of the intestine, the reduction of cholesterol and blood sugar, supports the functions of the liver and the processes of acquiring vitamins A, B1, C and D.
Taraxacin extracted from dandelion root stimulates the tone of the digestive system and the activity of the kidneys, protects the body’s cells from oxidative stress. The use of dandelion root tincture restores lost potassium in the body and makes it a strong diuretic.
Mint-derived menthol helps with smooth muscle spasms, colic and flatulence. Extracted flavonoids have anti-inflammatory activity and anaesthetic for kidney and bladder problems. Supports blood supply.
In general, the NEFRO product supports the normal function of the urinary tract, and the normal purification of the kidneys and stimulates renal filtration.
hops (Humulus lupulus) cones 10%, lemon balm (melissa oficinalis) leaf 20%, mint (mentha piperita l.) leaf 20%, taraxacum (radix taraxaci) root 10%, water 15%, ethyl alcohol 25%. Ethyl alcohol content 35% (vol./vol).
Art. Cor. Prof. Dr. Veselin Petkov Modern Phytotherapy, ed. “Medicine and Physical Education”, Sofia, 1982;
Dr. D. Pamukov and prof. H. Akhtardzhiev Natural Pharmacy, ed. Zemizdat, 1981;
Georgi Georgiev and Tanya Kostova Cultivation of Medicinal Crops, Zemizdat, Sofia 1982
Ivanka Dimitrova-Dyulgerova Pharmacognosy. Paisii Hilendarski University Publishing House, Plovdiv 2018
Linda Krockett HEALING OUR HORMONS, HEALING OUR LIVES. АMG Publishing, Sofia 2014
Rumen Mladenov●Ilia Cheshmedjiev●Ivanka Dimitrova●Deelina Belkinova●Tsenka Radukova●Plamen Stoyanov Pharmaceutical BOTANY part II. Paisii Hilendarski University Publishing House, Plovdiv 2017
Richard Mabey ●Michael McIntyre●Pamela Michael●Gail Duff●John Stevens et al. THE COMPLETE NEW HERBAL. Gaya books ltd. London, 1988
Shake the bottle well, open and squeeze the dropper once. That’s 30 drops
Dissolve the recommended dose (listed on each label) in at least 30 ml of water or juice.
For best results, repeat this process as directed. The recommended use is indicated on the product label.