Over millions of years of evolution, our respiratory system has been designed perfectly to extract oxygen from the air. While we can live without food for many days or without water for only a few, without oxygen we will die in a few minutes because our body cannot store oxygen. Our cells need a constant supply of oxygen to burn carbohydrates and provide energy for life. This client’s need for oxygen, which releases carbon dioxide as a waste product, is called internal respiration. Since most of the billions of cells that make up our bodies are internal, away from the air, we need respiratory and circulatory systems to ensure a continuous supply of oxygen to the cells. The process of inhaling oxygen and exhaling waste carbon dioxide through our respiratory system – consisting of the nose, throat, larynx (the organ on which human speech depends), trachea (breathing tube) and lungs – is called external respiration.
Traditional Chinese Medicine attributes to the lungs the function of “Controlling Qi” or the body’s vital energy. The Chinese believe that this energy is derived directly from the air we breathe. For this reason, breathing techniques and ritual chants are the main distinguishing features of many Eastern religious practices, such as Zen meditation and yoga. Modern medicine recognizes the importance of breathing for good health. Deep breathing and exhalation exercises are an integral part of relaxation techniques to combat stressful situations. The benefit of singing is now widely recognized. The medical journal “New England journal of medicine” recommends that asthma sufferers take up singing seriously because it uses 90% of the vital capacity of the lungs and this helps prevent asthma attacks. In conclusion, we must not forget that the lungs are an important organ through which waste products are removed.
Expectorants or expectorants help expel excess mucus from the lungs and have a tonic effect on the entire respiratory system. Stimulant expectorants such as plantain, lavender, peppermint irritate the surface of the bronchi so that phlegm is coughed up and thrown out. Soothing expectorants such as gorse, thyme, linden soothe bronchial spasm and release thick mucus secretions.
Emollients contain glue-like substances known as mucus, which soften irritated and inflamed bronchi and thus reduce the spasms that cause coughing. Emollients have additional qualities. For example, the narrow-leaved plantain, in addition to reducing inflammation and spasms, helps to remove phlegm and has a calming effect on the bronchi.
Many herbs containing essential oils such as lavender are antibiotic, suitable for warding off lung infections. Essential oils pass through the lungs and are exhaled. The use of these herbs or their diluted essential oils for steam inhalations are effective against lung diseases.
Common cold. We all know from our own experience the symptoms of the common cold, for which modern medicine has no explanation. The common cold is caused by a virus that replicates in the recipient’s cells. For this reason, antibiotics that destroy bacteria outside the cells cannot affect cold viruses. In such a case, the herbalist’s efforts are concentrated on the patient and not on the disease. Herbs are prescribed to support and enhance the function of the immune system, which aims to protect the body by fighting off enemy viruses and bacteria. People who often suffer from colds have decreased vitality and a weak immune response, caused by a stressful lifestyle or irregular nutrition. At the first signal of a fever or sore throat, you can neutralize with the use of balm, narrow-leaved plantain and linden. Another product that you can use Aniseed production is KAF. It is a water-alcohol product, contains water 15%, ethyl alcohol 25%, basil (Ocimum basilicum) leaf 15%, coriander (Coriandrum sativum) seeds 10%, plantain (Plantago lanceolata L) leaf 15%, rose (Althaea officinalis) flower 10%, thyme (Thymus) 10%.
Of course, it is important to start with an infusion that includes many cooking spices – ginger, cinnamon, coriander, cloves. Another effective method of treatment for colds is foot baths. Soak them in a mustard decoction for about 10 min. At the same time, wrap a towel around your head to raise your body temperature. To clear your nose and throat, inhale steamed thyme.
We at the innovative factory Aniseed have developed a product ANINI DROPS on a water-alcohol basis of calendula, tagetes and yarrow for the purpose of preventive care and treatment of colds. You can take the product every morning and in the long term. They treat all kinds of ailments – from colds to flu. They are especially effective when taken at the onset of the illness.
Sore throat. Herbal treatment is an effective way to treat a sore throat. You can make a gargle of sage, apple cider vinegar and honey. The sage herb can be present in the gargle as a pre-prepared infusion or 20 drops of the Aniseed tincture – GARDEN TEA, to which you add 1 tsp. apple cider vinegar and 1 tsp. honey Take only GARDEN TEA tincture 4-5 times a day as described on the site.
Tonsillitis (tonsils). The word is used for any formation of lymphatic tissue anywhere in the body. We commonly use it when referring to the lymphoid tissue found at the back of the tongue. Like all other lymphatic tissues, it produces lymphocytes that protect the body from infections. Constantly recurring inflammation of the tonsils is an indication for a basic assessment of the body’s ability to resist the infection. If the tonsillitis is inflamed and swollen, the gargle described above in cases of sore throat is recommended. Additionally, you can add 1 tsp. Echinacea infusion, 1 tsp. thyme infusion or 10 drops of Aniseed’s THYME Tincture.
Laryngitis. Laryngitis is an inflammation of the larynx or “voice box” as well as the vocal cords themselves. Such an infection can lead to hoarseness or loss of voice, or both. In this case, rest your vocal cords completely (stop talking) and use any gargle listed in the Tonsillitis or Sore Throat section. In the event that laryngitis lasts for more than a few days, it requires qualified medical assistance to rule out the possibility of further worsening of the disease.
A cough. Coughing is a reflex response to anything blocking the airways. Chinese medicine calls it “rebellious Lung Qi”. Chinese medicine calls it “rebellious Lung Qi”. This mucus secretion helps protect the respiratory tract from all kinds of irritants by trapping and carrying away hostile bacteria and viruses. Cough treatment with herbs aims to kill bacteria, soften and expel mucus secretions, and restore lung function.
Constant coughs and colds are a signal to start taking herbs that strengthen the immune system. In this case, the tincture of Aniseed ANINI DROPS with water content 15%, ethyl alcohol 25%, tart (Tagetes _recta) 20%, marigold (Сalendula ofinicinalis) 20%, yarrow (achillea millefolium) 20%, ethyl alcohol content is extremely suitable 35% (vol/vol). Taking cough suppressants is a bad idea. The most useful herbs for treating coughs are those with emollient properties and soothing the irritated mucous membrane – rhubarb, gorse, thyme, plantain. Aniseed offers THYME and ANIMAL tinctures.
Any cough that lasts more than a few days and does not respond to taking herbs should consult a doctor. A cough may be due to a serious illness in the body.
You can make a simple cough remedy by slicing a large head of ripe onion into rounds and placing them in a bowl. Cover them with liquid honey and leave overnight. In the morning, strain the mixture of honey and onion juice. This is a simple and powerful cough medicine. Take 1 tbsp. 4-5 times a day.
You can also prepare a successful expectorant concoction by mixing individually extracted infusions of rhubarb, plantain, thyme, oregano. You can make a mixture from the same herbs, but in the form of tinctures, which you take 1 tbsp. 4-5 times a day